miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Taking care the Environment

What do you think about the importance of taking care the Environment?

It is essential to learn about the importance of caring the Environment. For this reason, we are going to propose an activity to create a meaningful connection between you and the Environment: 

1. Watching a video about the three "R" Reduce, reuse and recycle. The Earth is going to explain you how to help her.


Now, you can write in your notebook or write a comment about what measures would you do to help the care of the Environment. Here there is an example:

-To take my own bags every time I go to buy to a supermarket
-Don't leave television or computer on when I am not using them

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013



I am Rosario Domínguez and I am a person who loves travelling, meeting new people, reading and learning a lot. 

This blog will be a great place to share our experiences, resources and interesting news. 
